We’re Dating

Amrita Preet Poptani
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readJun 24, 2018

I never knew
How a simple “Good Morning” could woo,
Until I woke up with you.

The alarm rings
And in a tangle of limbs we think “whose?”
Then it’s me or you hitting snooze.

Our bodies stretch lazily
Our eyes open hazily, they meet fleetingly and next.. Next it’s your lips,
Not a whisper of words, just a kiss, and something in me unzips, rips.

Maybe one more.. Add a caress and my heart can soar
Oh my turn, now my lips do something,
Mid-kiss — I smile. And suddenly you’re more than my plaything.

No, stop. I didn’t ask for thunder and lightening, I just wanted to feel… Potential energy and coursing electricity?
Just the goosebumps and moans before the roars and wars and encores,
— oh lord, and in this chaos I think, I could do this, I could be yours

But this is a calm before that storm
Not a fairy tale, not much of a reality — a fling? A soon to be sting? A ring? We’re ageing! Shhh I think; slow down, I’ll just enjoy this zing…
Uhmm but what is this ‘in-between’?

Well, it’s a new day and — “Hey, Good Morning”.



Amrita Preet Poptani
Lit Up
Writer for

Whispers, heartbeat thudding like drum beats, phosphenes in your vision - must be my entrance (not this confident irl, mum told me to fake it till I make it).