What is today but a shadow of yesterday that took me away?

Ava M
Lit Up
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2019
Ennui by a river close home, in Chennai.

Before the life of this day becomes another memory-

and the day’s end soothes my longing, too trivial for upcoming morning-

and pains of today are pushed to the pile of many such days’ worth of dump-
I want to spend this day sitting,
thinking about how you loved me yesterday.

Today is bright through my window
and feels jealous of the longing I hold from yesterday.
It has a plan to distract me from remembering you
by showing me exciting things like cheap glamour and exotic sins.
But I’ll beat this day’s plan
I’ll beat it all
just by
and thinking of yesterday.

This fight is tiring,
and manipulation
very real.
For it hurts today’s world, living outside my window
to know that its grandness is made small by my simple love for you yesterday.
Outside my window-
Trees shake in anger
Winds blow in despair, and
Insects crawl with speed-
all trying to bring me back to their side
and blind me to see that nothing else can be grander than its life.

But this world is foolish
and I sit and watch it furnish,
create dramatic background to my daydreaming

Yesterday already won.
But today doesn’t know.

All it’s effort will go to the drain It doesn’t know of last night’s rain
when you and I danced till the dawn, something of us gone
with the dark night who ran away from the morning light like clandestine lovers.
For the love is shy and the day is bright.

Since then, the world outside my window thinks I am lost.
There’s no one to blame,
and there is no game
yesterday already won
but today doesn’t know.

So today I will sit-
and before the life of this day becomes another memory-
and day’s end soothes my longing, too trivial for the upcoming morning-
and pains of today are pushed to the pile of many such days’ worth of dump-

I am going to think.
Of all the ways in which you were scared to love me yesterday
because maybe you knew that today will come
and last night will be nothing but just another day,
too large for this world to keep.
too full for this life to love.

And so we ran away with yesterday
with the world
outside my window too angry to notice
that there exists a life grander than this day.



Ava M
Lit Up
Writer for

I feel like a fisherman in a boat that is my mind, over an empty sea that seems to be my thoughts. Here, I throw nets & catch words that maybe mean something.