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Free Verse Poetry

Where Bones Gather Above Dirt

Published in
Feb 2, 2024


ㅤ …rare bursts in swirl of birds
vanish in soarㅤ(this place unsafe

for nesting) terror to temblor after temblor
rubbling hope.

What can sleep will wakeㅤa violence sieved
thru invasive rays shirting the war-scape

color-poor wasteland singed by sun
/daybreakㅤlike dog in search for bones.

Every corner’s fall of grey
becomes host for embittering light

for even waste’s sky seems in prayer
for quick return to darkness.

Such gluttonous silence to this
/such belligerent quiet

…not by omission, but
villainous consumption of the living.

©jef l littlejohn 2024



J.L. Littlejohn
Lit Up

Poet/Storyteller ~A Conflict of Words in Tussle With a Pen for a Life of Rhyme. Look for my Poetry on Lit Up