Winter Blues
Hey You,
Quiet moonwalker, starry-eyed spirit sorter. Let your fingers do the talking for a while…pay no attention to the overactive mind chatter, take a moment to reconcile…
The thirty thousand reasons to not select “share”.
I have a confession to make; anxiety is a distant and inconspicuous friend of mine who shows up uninvited.
This friend is currently staying a while.
I am looking at my balance from a self-contained dark room that is a voluntary and necessary prison for the moment.
I am on a break from life, sorting out my outer space to make room for my inner space that allows you to flourish within me.
Winter has offered comfort and kilos but I have started dreaming of springs kiss, I can almost taste the safety of her lips.
Be patient dear one, I am never far from home and your definition of alone is temporary.
I want you to know I have not forgotten your presence, your inspired nature and motivation for justice.
Just call my name when the darkness fades and the seasons change.
Let the sound of the rising birds enable you consciousness again.