Wolfy Girl & Clown Dog

(Tackling the World Together is Better)

Sheyla Ayn
Lit Up
4 min readMay 7, 2019


Wolfy Girl (Angel) & Clown Dog (Maisy)


Wolfy Girl and Clown Dog, both are goober goofs,
Wolfy Girl the wolf dog, trying to be aloof.
When Clown Dog the black lab mix, always wants to play,
Two together make me laugh all throughout the day.

Wolfy Girl has long hair and always needs a cut;
I lay her down and clip her from her head to her butt.
It takes all day to clip her down just on one side,
So for the first couple days all she does is hide.
When her clipping’s done, she smiles and wiggles around,
With all that hair gone, it’s like losing near a pound.
She takes off running fast with Clown Dog chasing her,
As Clown Dog barks and laughs at her short, silly fur.
Wolfy Dog rolls and rolls in grass so soft and sweet.
Doing what I don’t even know but she will repeat.
While Clown Dog is barking and nipping as they run…
“You look so funny Wolfy Girl, let’s go have some fun.”

Clown Dog thinks so highly of her silly, silly self,
A shirt placed on her has her looking like an elf.
She tries to get the shirt up off her chunky chest
To find it stuck on her head; she isn’t at her best.
Maybe it’s stuck half way with a foot and a leg,
Sticking out an opening or two just like a peg.
I barely see her cold nose peeking out the arm;
Wolfy Dog’s now rolling in fits… so where’s the harm?
The more Wolfy Girl barks at Clown Dog’s silly plight,
The more Clown Dog tries as her head slips out of sight.
Into the shirt that moms placed in fun and in jest,
Doesn’t like it when Wolfy Girl laughs and gets her best.

Finally she’s gotten out and runs after Wolfy Girl
Who quickly high tales it like she’s chasing a squirrel.
But Clown Dog catches her and the tussling does start;
“Who dares laugh at Clown Dog, who thinks they’re so smart?”


In springtime, Clown Dog does so love to take a pass
Running through white carpet on top of brand new grass.
Of opening dandelions, little white puffs all around
Waiting for gusty winds or dogs like her to bound.
She runs all through them as they poof up to the sky;
Clown Dog tries to bite them in flight as they go by.
Yet gets them in her nose, mouth and her soulful eyes,
Coughing, spitting, squinting as they go flying by.

This folly happens while Wolfy Girl sees this sight;
Howling, laughing at Clown Dogs goofy, goofy plight
Until the winds change and the poofs all float away
Straight into the open mouth of Wolfy Girl at play.

Now two silly dogs go around in a frenzy run,
Both barking, sneezing and coughing, two are now one.
“Who’s laughing at who?” they say as they sneeze and blow
Their noses while playing in the poofs of white snow.

Finally they stop, both hearing something from the blue.
They turn to look, moms laughing at these silly two.
They look at each other, and think it’s really unfair;
Both sneeze sending more poofs flying into the air.


Another warm day finds them hiking on stunning ground
Into the desert’s open skies warm air all ‘round.
Wolfy Dog stops to look and sees a gopher about,
Above its gopher hole, quickly she checks it out
Gopher sees her then dives down as she comes by
As she tries to dig below yet gopher’s way too sly.
Big and bulky Wolfy Girl finds herself so stuck;
Clown Dog is amused, and starts laughing up a muck.
Popping from another hole, barely out of sight,
Safe enough yet not too far from Wolfy Girl’s plight.
Laughing so loudly as only a gopher can do,
Along with silly Clown Dog and even mom too.

Wolfy Girl raises her head that’s so full of dirt;
Blinking, shaking and making sure that she isn’t hurt.
Hearing laughter she opens her eyes and looks around
And sees the critter laughing high upon the mound.

While shaking off the dirt, Wolfy Girl finally sneezes
Then trots away to smells coming on the breezes.
Clown Dog runs after her, barking for her to play,
“That was so funny; what else do we do today?”


They all hike down to the river’s wonderful sights;
So very happy jumping, onto the boulders heights.
Then Mom turns around and Clown Dog is gone hither;
With relief, she’s looking at herself in the nice river.

Often our silly Clown Dog thinks she’s way too cocky.
Wolfy Dog makes a run, but finds it all too rocky;
Clown Dog tries to outrun her, turns to make her leap,
Loses balance and plunges, into the water deep.
It’s a pool of calm water, like a water hole,
Clown Dog is so frantic with eyes as wide as bowls.
Mom and Wolfy Dog are laughing, ‘til both fall down,
Clown Dog’s pulled out soaking wet…she’s now a wet clown.

Without a blink shakes it off and rolls all around;
Up she comes without a care, runs along the ground
With Wolfy Girl in pursuit, closing fast to pounce.
Mom smiles, loving these two, with every bitty ounce.

Wolfy Girl and Clown Dog could write a blog you see
On their antics and adventures with them and with me…
With some embellishments from Symy Girl who’s passed;
She’s gone but not forgotten, through them her memory lasts.

Symy Girl (Symba)



Sheyla Ayn
Lit Up
Writer for

I am a Word Warrior, Story Teller, Life Re-inventor, Archeologist of my Soul…Living in the Land of Hope, Dreams, & Possibilities; at: sheylaayn@gmail.com.