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You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

It’s Complicated: Lit Up & The Writing Cooperative Contest

Paige Hales
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2019


I knew something might be wrong when I casually tossed my wallet from the back of the SUV into the front seat. He thought I threw it at him, grabbed it and threw it back at my head.

I learned not to toss anything his way. (literally and figuratively)

I knew something might be wrong when he verbally slaughtered a waitress because there wasn’t enough mayonnaise on his sandwich.

I learned to handle the business dealings.

After years of being reminded (by him) that I was an awful dancer, I overheard this conversation upon my return to our table after dancing alone at a wedding.

His cousin, “Wow, I didn’t know your wife is a dancer. She can really dance. I’m impressed. You must be so proud!”

Him, “She is one of the best dancers I’ve ever met. I don’t dance with her because she is better than me. She makes me look stupid.”

The depth of the emotional manipulation touched my core. The realization overtook me.

I discovered (too late) that I was in a relationship with the worst of the worst on the personality disorder spectrum.

My self-esteem. Destroyed. My sense of reality. Warped.

I learned that he is a narcissist and I…his narcissistic supply.

Narcissists come wrapped in irresistibly attractive, shiny bows.

And there is no treatment and there is no cure.

I almost killed my spirit trying to help a person whose soul was lost in childhood.

I left the emotional battlefield behind. In winter.

A season for everything.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Now, I know.

If only I had a crystal ball.

