How To Memorize Foreign Language Vocabulary

Memory Techniques For Language Learning And Mnemonics Examples

Andrew Zuo
Litany Language Learning


Post-it notes representing memory.
Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

I hate school. School just brute forces information into your head using an incredibly slow and tedious process. They just don’t teach you the memory techniques you need for language learning. Or for anything else for that matter!

I just remember in school not knowing what to do. Because we’re never taught how to learn. We’re just expected to learn.

Like take notes for instance. Like are they supposed to be bullets? Word for word what the teacher says? Who knows.

And take studying. Studying is the worst. There’s like 50 types of studying and you never know what method people are talking about.

So if you’re interested here’s a video that goes over how you’re supposed to study.

But enough of that. I’ve already looked through the evidence and have put a spaced repetition system in Litany (iOS, Android).

