Explaining the Litentry Parachain Auction (III) — Use Cases and dApp

Hanwen Cheng
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2021

In the previous articles, we have discussed why Litentry picked Polkadot over Kusama and how we designed the reward plan. Though becoming a parachain grant shared security and cross-chain communication, the value of Litentry relies on the functionality of the chain and the onboarded layer 2 dApps.

As explained in the technical explanation article, we are building privacy-first, decentralized identity aggregation computing services. These services are built upon several underlying services like identity linking services, NFT pallet, TEE sidechain, etc. But this still sounds very abstract to most of the community members, So in this article, I will explain the upcoming dApps and use cases Litentry and partners are building, which will leverage the functionalities of Litentry blockchain.

To be noticed, the related products mentioned here are not finalized, and this is not an official announcement of the product, we should look forward to the official marketing channel to publish the latest information. But I want to give you an overview of what our current plan is. The dApps and use cases are in development, though some of them already pre-launched and will be deployed soon like Polkadot Name System, the first version is always made with the compromise of decentralization and efficiency, we will gradually transform all of the features to a decentralized direction.

Based on Cross-chain Identity

Litentry Blockchain provides identity aggregation mechanisms in a privacy-preserving way, which opens a new door for the industry and enables developers to build new identity-focus products. We have already seen different teams are building awesome products based on the protocol. That’s also the reason why we have DID Startups Program, which will continuously onboard amazing teams and add value to LIT and Litentry Blockchain.

Polkadot Name System (Public Profile)

PNS(Polkadot Name system) team is among the first batch of DID Startups Program, what they are building is far more than a public readable name. They provide an open, decentralized domain name system in Web3.

With PNS, every user can have their on-chain unique name and resolves to their wallet account, smart contract address, NFT token, URL, or IPFS address. PNS is the universal passport of the Web3 ecosystem. Before long, PNS will be firstly onboarded on Litentry Parachain and use Litentry as the main registrar entry. In the future, PNS will use Litentry’s identity linking feature to index the public data into the domain name, with the private name reserved in Litentry’s TEE side chain.

An extra bonus for all the Litentry Crowdloan participants is, every contributor who contributed more than 10 DOTs now could register a free name (of 1 year) on PNS’s prelaunch page.

MyCryptoProfile (Social Interaction)

MCP(MyCryptoProfile) aims to connect social platforms to Metaverse after MCP is published this August, we see giant players like Twitter and Discord now officially experimenting with the integration of identity and NFTs in their products.

Based on Litentry’s cross-chain identity protocol, MCP could go further with the vision being proved. It has unique features for users to discover another identity in the Web3 space. In the future, MCP will keep exploring the interactions with on-chain identity, and make use of the NFT module because an identity could be regarded as a collection of NFTs.

Web3Go (Credit Computing)

A cross-chain identity facilitates a more sophisticated on-chain profile as we see in PNS or MCP. We believe the on-chain data related to the identity will derive a big market. So we have internally incubated a professional data analytics team in our DID Startups Program, namely, Web3Go. The team has won three awards at the Wanxiang/Web3 Foundation Hackathon in Shanghai recently including Second Prize overall, Special Prize awarded by Web3 Foundation, and the Most Promising Development Prize by Moonbeam Network. The team created an open data platform to analyze the on-chain data with multiple metrics, the researches covered Polkadot/Kusama crowdloan, Karura CDPs, Moonriver’s Staking data.

As for now, only the information of a single address is calculated, in the future, more sophisticated identity-related information could be generated by any aggregated identity on Litentry with the consumption of LIT. And the data provider information will also be recorded in Litentry Network.

Polka Sign In (Identity Interoperability)

The Litentry team is also working on the Single Sign-On possibility with PolkaSignIn. We expect with this feature enabled, users could log in to any web2 or web3 services without frictions in remembering the password, or saving browsing information in centralized services. Imagine we have the “ Login with Litentry account” together with “Login with Google account” on the login page. And proxy accounts on any network could be generated without any frictions. That means we could gain interoperability across networks and applications.

In this part, I have listed a bunch of the internal and external products that we are building, the on-chain transactions involved will all be based on the identity aggregation protocol on Litentry Network, which means LIT will be used.

A Decentralized Airdrop Platform

We encourage and welcome the external developers to come and build the related dApp with our related service. As we are building a bunch of features at the same time, it is also important for us to have a pilot dApp to let the developers know how to leverage our runtime modules. Here I will reveal the most recent dApp that we are currently building.

There are more frequent airdrops in the industry to reward loyal users, also in the crowdloan, we see different projects are given extra bonuses to the contributors. But either the validation and contribution methods proceed in a centralized way and face multiple questions like transparency, token claim fee, one-time distribution, etc. We want to change this situation and provide a fully-decentralized and cross-chain airdrop platform for projects to use.

The dApps empower the web3.0 ecosystem with an innovative TaskFi platform, a user needs to complete the tasks, and the user could claim the reward after the tasks are completed. Litentry Crowdloan would be the first use case, as we have 10% extra DID-related tasks. We will provide the related tasks on this dApp and allow users to claim them after finished. In addition to that, the token is distributed with on-chain vesting, the LIT needs to be staked as the prerequisite to get the reward unlocked. With the combination of identity-related tasks and airdrop, we let users realize the value of ones’ on-chain identity.

The milestones are originally designed as:

  • Official website, Polkadot verification page, and docs (Introduction & tutorials)
  • A centralized application with a custodian wallet to provide identical tasks and rewards.
  • Loyalty programs collaborated with crowdloan projects.
  • Cross-chain tasks even out of the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Antifraud analysis tools integrated.
  • Decentralized verification and distribution.
  • Cross-chain messages with XCMP.

It will be Litentry’s first dApp, so I guess everyone will care about the release time. It will be onboarded to Litentry parachain after we have done runtime upgrade with a bunch of essential features like “removing Sudo”, “Enable Council”, “Enable Transferring” etc. But we probably won’t wait that long, a centralized pre-launch app should come first.

So this is the last article about the Litentry Parachain Auction, hopefully from this series you get insight into why we opened the crowdloan, and how we will secure the slot and make use of Litentry Parachain.

Special thanks to Mel and Sky for improving the readability and raising the concerned questions.

