Introducing MyCryptoProfile, Your Web3 Pass to Maximize DID & Data Privacy

Litentry Parachain Off-chain PoC Application

My Crypto Profile
6 min readJun 21, 2022


Identity — Who we are is made of data

Whether it’s from Greek philosophy or all the way to The Matrix, reality about who we are has always fascinated us. Who we are is now made of data. In an era where everyone seems to be on the web, everyone’s daily activities are recorded, stored, and analyzed as data. On Web2 — the current internet, our identity is not in our control. We have unconsciously sacrificed the value of who we are to obtain free services.

We enter our private information on countless websites and tie our username to a phone number or email. Others can easily find the physical us even if they only know our pseudonymous names. We don’t truly own the right for anonymity. But it doesn’t and shouldn’t be this way. We can opt out of this business model by starting with DID on Web3.

A trustable identity layer between dApps and users

Owning our identity sounds promising and exciting, but hopping on the train to Web3 identity right away will result in disappointment because just like Web3, DID is still in its early stage. To truly empower users to take back their identity ownership, a trustable identity layer between dApps and users for the exchange of personal data is needed.

There are several challenges we want to tackle for building such a layer.

Privacy and anonymity

Web3 data is stored on the chain, so it is open, transparent, and traceable. From transactions on Ethereum to investments for NFTs, all user activities are recorded publicly. If you give a dApp your public key address, it will know exactly what tokens you’re holding or what types of transactions you recently made. Then again, you’ll be surrendering your privacy, relinquishing the right to anonymity, and giving dApps the same power as Web2 platforms. To avoid that, we must build the data usage order in a user-centric way where dApps can only obtain user identity data when they have obtained users’ authorization. Then, users can enjoy services customized to them and guard their privacy at the same time.

Seamless user-dApp interactions

Adding a verifiable, unbiased identity layer between users and dApps is not a trivial task. To achieve this, users’ jump from Web2 to Web3 must be made easy, and dApps’ access to user identity information must be maintained at a minimum cost. The order of personal data usage must be reorganized, so users can leverage the economic value of their personal identity while still maintaining true privacy and anonymity.


Web3 is a wild world with many different blockchains, so working on multiple chains on a daily basis is inevitable. However, a Tower of Babel is out there. Because of different protocol standards and designs, it is difficult for one chain to communicate with or compose data from other chains, and user identities are also fragmented by those silos.

Say Hello to My Crypto Profile

Aiming at tackling the challenges of empowering users to take back their identity ownership, the Litentry team is working on a decentralized identity aggregation protocol, meanwhile My Crypto Profile (MCP) is being developed as a off-chain PoC version of the protocol.

Maximum DID, maximum self-sovereign privacy — How MCP juggles it all

MCP enables users to aggregate and manage their personal data among Web2 platforms, Web3 blockchains, and decentralized storage systems and to grant data access to 3rd party dApps in a way that maximizes users’ personal identity value but does not compromise their privacy or the right to anonymity.

  • Aggregated identity: Featuring a decentralized identity graph (ID graph), a verifiable on-chain credential, MCP links data across multiple chains and platforms, leverages information on both Web3 and Web2, transverses dApps, and integrates a globally unique digital identity.
  • Shield identity: MCP only allows dApp to query a user’s identity data but not the identity metadata — your account IDs and crypto addresses. Protecting the ID graph from being seen while providing a rich identification service based on trustable data will be a long term mission for the Litentry Parachain and its off-chain version My Crypto Profile. The Litentry Parachain will carry the confidential identity data aggregation and generate trustworthy identity data within the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), and MCP will take a centralized approach of guarding the ID graph data from its service.
  • Data access control: MCP redefines the order of personal data usage on Web3. All data usage must be authorized by the user. Users have the power to revoke dApps’ right to access their personal data, and once a right is revoked, dApps will not be able to access some part of the user data.

Launching its 1st use — case: MCP <> PhalaWorld

PhalaWorld is the the pioneer that combines DID with Web3 gaming that integrates with MCP for its aggregated identity service — a gamification ‘Play to build ’(P2B) model driven by on-chain and off-chain user activities mapping by MCP.

In the use case of PhalaWorld, players will start with generating their Identity Graphs on MCP, which will be supporting aggregated identity data to be injected into their soulbound NFT in the game. They can see their character attributes in PhalaWorld, which are calculated based on activity data from platforms such as Phala Network, Ethereum, Polkadot, Discord, Github, and more. After having registered as a Survivor in PhalaWorld, users can continue to inject more identity data by adding, deleting, updating their ID graphs on MCP at any time.

How players can get a soulbound NFT in PhalaWorld via MCP

In the context of Web3

Although quite a lot of Web3 DID applications are currently still in their infancy, and many visions are well underway to be realized, it will be a remarkable progress to disrupt the current landscape of identity usage. Litenry — My Crypto Profile (MCP) is and will continue to be part of this progress; it will keep empowering users to leverage who they really are.

For this collaboration, Teun Habraken, My Crypto Profile’s Product Manager commented that:·

“Our collaboration with Phala is innovative on multiple Levels. First of all, we’re enabling users to not just blindly handover all of their open source identity data but to authorize just the necessary details required. Which in their turn will be fed into an NFT gaming character which is not any NFT money can buy but one you’re awarded for your actual participation & contribution to the ecosystem.”

Phala Network’s CEO Marvin Tong also remarked:

Through MCP’s DID solution, we can well implement our soulbound concept, better integrate the Phala community into PhalaWorld, and establish a ‘Play to Build’ model. We believe that in the future, such a game mode that can behave in a way that is both off-chain and on-chain will be a trend. ”

Moving on…

MCP users can expect that in the future, they can access more Web3 Product and Services (PnSs) with their aggregated DID and data access control empowered by MCP. The Litentry team plans to incorporate a D-ID dashboard for aggregated personal data in MCP. With the dashboard, users can showcase their Web3 activities, thus leveraging and using their DID across the Web3 ecosystem. In the future, MCP will continue to play an important role in cross-chain data aggregation, encrypted credentials, the leveraging of valuable identities and other areas.

About PhalaWorld

Phala World is a gamification extension to bring blockchain and Dapp into the metaverse based on the Phala Network. By creating a SoulBound NFT system, Phala World mapped on-chain/off-chain activities into the metaverse games (‘Play to build ’(P2B) model). Phala World’s story begins after the first nuclear war. There are 8888 survivors in total, including 4 species (Cyborg/AI-Spectre/Pandroid/X-Gene)and 5 careers.

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About Litentry

Litentry is a Decentralized Identity Aggregator that enables linking user identities across multiple networks. Featuring a DID indexing protocol and a Substrate-built distributed DID validation blockchain, Litentry provides a decentralized, interoperable identity aggregation service that mitigates the difficulty of resolving agnostic DID mechanisms. As an integral part of Litentry, MyCryptoProfile is an off-chain pilot version for decentralized identity aggregation, aiming to bring Litentry’s value in a more user-friendly way.

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My Crypto Profile

Aggregate, Use & Show your Web3.0 Identity under your own countrol ❤︎