It’s Official! MyCryptoProfile Joins the Litentry Ecosystem

My Crypto Profile
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2022

Looking back

Launched in 2021 as a PoC application of aggregated identity, My Crypto Profile (MCP) aims to help users aggregate, create, show & manage aggregated cross-chain identities, and provide data access to 3rd party dApps to maximize personal identity value without compromising privacy & anonymity.

Since then, it has spent countless hours testing and building until it saw the limelight with its first major feature – displaying NFTs on Twitter. At that time, MCP rolled out this feature six months earlier than Twitter did, which currently still only allows Twitter Blue subscribers to show off their NFTs.

Being part of the larger picture

MCP now has launched its first dApp integration that combines dID with the Play to Build (P2B) Metaverse gaming model, enabling PhalaWorld to implement the soulbound gaming & NFT concept. In this use case, instead of buying or paying for awards and services, users will be rewarded for their actual participation and contribution to the ecosystem through their Web2 & Web3 aggregated identity.

Along with this recent launch, MCP has been adjusting its development strategy and became an integral part of the whole Litentry ecosystem, which includes Litentry WebApp, Litentry Graph, Web3Go and Drop3, all part of the decentralized identity landscape. By joining this ecosystem, MCP empowers Litentry to unlock greater collaboration among communities, build deeply engaging experiences and attract more durable audiences in Web3. In the coming months, the MCP user can expect slight branding updates as well as feature reorganization in line with the Litentry ecosystem.

Within the Litentry ecosystem, MCP will currently function as the Litentry Parachain off-chain PoC (Proof of Concept) application, with a focus on crypto native and decentralized profiling, connecting users and dApps from different crypto niches with dID.

Moving forward

The current version of MCP functions as a testing ground for finding product market fit and exploring different use cases. Gradually this proof of concept, which currently relies on centralized computation and decentralized storage (IPFS), will migrate to a completely decentralized infrastructure running on top of the Litentry Parachain.

The roadmap towards this point consists of the following steps.

1. Release the identity wallet + identity dashboard

Our current engineering efforts focus on the creation of an identity wallet + identity dashboard which will become the main interface for the identity owner to aggregate its web2 + web3 identity. This wallet will function as a user interface on top of our underlying decentralized infrastructure.

2. Hit the infrastructure running

This infrastructure consists of the Litentry Parachain and the trusted execution environment (TEE) where any sensitive data will be processed. Our decentralized infrastructure will work with industry standard primitives such as decentralized Identifiers, verifiable credentials, soulbound tokens and other types of identity assets. By adopting these standards, Litentry is positioning itself to become interoperable with the rest of the identity industry.

3. Offer more for identity owners

Once the Litentry parachain and Identity wallet is up and running, we intend to offer a plethora of opportunities for identity owners to benefit, use and leverage their identity in an identity hub webapp. This split between the identity wallet and identity hub web app is carefully considered to maximize the privacy preservation of the user’s identity data. It is in this web app that new perks and offers from partners & communities will be offered under the direct authorisation and control of the identity owner.

4. Integrate on a deeper level

In this identity hub web app, MyCryptoProfile will re-emerge as a crucial feature. Throughout the execution of this roadmap, MCP will integrate its market insights, infrastructure and code into Litentry’s identity wallet & identity hub. Within the identity hub, MyCryptoProfile will eventually become the go-to-place to aggregate, proof and leverage identity data that is related to the most crypto native behavior, profiles and identities.

About Litentry

Litentry is a Decentralized Identity Aggregator that enables linking user identities across multiple networks. Featuring a DID indexing protocol and a Substrate-built distributed DID validation blockchain, Litentry provides a decentralized, interoperable identity aggregation service that mitigates the difficulty of resolving agnostic DID mechanisms.

As an integral part of Litentry, MyCryptoProfile is an off-chain pilot version for decentralized identity aggregation, aiming to bring Litentry’s value in a more user-friendly way.

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My Crypto Profile

Aggregate, Use & Show your Web3.0 Identity under your own countrol ❤︎