250 word Article

Literacy & Discourse
2 min readNov 30, 2015

This term I am currently in English Composition 110 and I find myself learning a lot about writing styles. In my other classes the types of papers we are writing are not exactly analysis papers, but more descriptive and informational papers with some of our own opinion. I have written two papers for my Comparative Politics class and I found myself trying to set up paragraphs using Barclay’s formula. My papers are usually centralized around the history of a specific state or event, but some paragraphs I found myself using Barclay’s formula to give my opinion on the work. I used Barclay’s formula a little differently by only using one source to prove my argument. I find writing papers for my other classes are easier now that I learned some important features of papers. I also found the peer editing useful for my other classes. We are not assigned to peer edit, but I have classes with the same group of kids I sit with in English and I had one of my group mates edit my paper and I edited hers. It is a very good way to get feedback on a paper. In high school no one took peer editing seriously, but now that I learned the structure of peer review it is much more helpful. Lastly, I learned how to integrate quotes more effectively in my papers. I wrote a paper for my business class recently and it was very easy for me to pull effective quotes from the text and weave them into my opinions. I find this class very useful for help in other classes. It is neat to see how things I have learned in English can carry over to other subjects as well.

