
Tyler White
Literacy & Discourse
1 min readNov 30, 2015

I have learned quite a bit from taking English Composition with Michael Cripps. I never had even heard of the definition of the type of Discourse was taught. Using Gee opened my eyes to this world of discourses and I have seen my self unknowingly notice how they are incorporated in my life. Although I am not an expert on them I feel as though I have a good idea about how to be in a discourse and such. Another person we looked that I feel as though i learned a lot from was Amy Cuddy. She explains to us that we have to be who we are not to find who we are, or in her words we have to “fake it to make it.” I have actually been able use this strategy in my life to help me get through personal situations. Lastly using an experiment on a college student by Christina Haas, I found that my learning styles may not be the best. In the experiment earch college year and how the student read and learned was evaluated. I see myself in the student with the “bad” ways of how she learned from and read her text books. Now they I know the problems with how I am doings things I can change and hopefully be more successful.

