English Comp and all its pieces..

Louanntha Benoit
Literacy & Discourse
2 min readNov 30, 2015

Throughout the year I have noticed the little skills that I picked up from my time in English 110, have changed my perspective on the assignments I have been faced with. Not only have I grown as a writer but also as a reader. I am able to read at the upper level and not be completely terrified. This skill set has played a big role in my success in my Biology Lab. In Biology lab we often are required to read upper level journals and understand them, and in this way English Comp has come in quite handy. At the beginning of the semester if I was asked to read an article or journal, like the work from James Paul Gee, I had to read and reread to grasp what exactly was I looking for. But now through a great deal of practice I’m not so scared to pick up an article or journal about a topic seemingly over my head. I know that the work may be worded in a way that doesn’t seem like it could be English, but it’t not impossible to understand. I have gained some key meta-knowledge from the Discourse that has lead me to better understand the content of my classes. I have a much more organized approach and am able to attack my work head on, and am able to avoid the hours of rereading to understand the concept. The skills I have gained from English Comp has helped me to grow and develop as a student.

