English Medium Assignment

Emma Ruegsegger
Literacy & Discourse
2 min readNov 30, 2015

In my first semester of college, I took English Composition with Michael J. Cripps. At first I was skeptical about having an entire course focused around one topic, but learning about a Discourse and expanding on all of the ideas it entails was extremely interesting. This course has shed light on some of my other subjects in a few ways, and others have very little correlations. One thing I learned from Amy Cuddy in her TED talk, was to have more confidence and do the Wonder Woman power pose before an exam or presentation. This has helped me prepare in other courses when I am nervous or feel small compared to other students. One example is before a large bio examination when I felt unconfident and my friend and I did the Wonder Women pose before she handed out the exam. Little adjustments like this can go a long way for a student’s success. More recently, reading Haas’s case study with Eliza has opened my eyes about how a college student develops rhetorically. I’ve seen myself relate to reading textbooks and just seeing how they’re true. I’ve never thought about how they could be someone’s opinions and how they can be challenged or refuted. Haas’s study correlates to my freshman year and how I view texts as autonomous. An example is sociology because I just view this textbook as facts and I don’t question whether this is right or not. The readings we have analyzed thus far have definitely helped me in my other classes and have prepared me for how to enter any future Discourses or stay in my current ones.


