Not Using English?

Elija Tuell
Literacy & Discourse
1 min readDec 2, 2015

So far throughout my first semester of college I have only employed what I have learned from my English Composition class indirectly. Though we have learned what writing in the IMRaD style comprises, we have not done a practical application of it in class, but still I took what I learned from the IMRaD disccusions and applied it to writing a mini-IMRaD lab report. Because of what we did in class, I felt semi-comfortable writing in a style that I hadn’t needed to earlier in this semester and throughout High School. Other than the lab report for my Biology lab, I have not needed to use what I have picked up in English Composition in any of my other classes because they are all first year natural science class — excluding pre-calculus — that do not require any formal papers. But, as said in “Writing”, an FAQ on this “Notes are a great way to leave yourself reminders or give feedback to others.” I have learned to effectively leave notes on others papers and through that I have developed notes on my own papers to develop my ideas. This is extremely useful in all my classes.

