A Moment of Miniature Proportion

Giacomena Cohen
Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017
Photo credit: Pixabay

At an exhibit of human effects
my thoughts turned to you
and immediately I knew
the truth, undeniable
my heart is in repair

Amongst these ruins
I rummage through
floating about this cold room
I stop
captivated by the glow
I study
the bolded black print
etched upon the callous sign
to indicate an abandoned life
labeled eight weeks mature

Magnetized to the rectangular display
I place my hands on the glass
glancing at the tiny feet and little hands
perfection of minature proportion
I couldn’t help my inclination
and questioned my own humanity
to a fetus surrounded by clear walls
Is it lonely in there?
Can you feel my stare?

With a reawakening of loss
I hide my face from my husband
afraid he will see
the pain that lingers inside me
Although buried deep within
it burns its way out —
the salt stings my cheeks
I wipe the remnants away
wondering if he feels the same
Does it sadden him as it does me
to consider what could have been
a happy family?

But who am I to question
nature’s own discretion
like the people on display
some are carried
some fall
It is not always in our power
to control
life’s mighty hand
the one that gives it
or takes it all

So I ask of you
dear pendulum of life
please continue to swing
sway my way
ever so delicately
till I can feel once more
motherhood’s sweet embrace

*October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Grief is often worn silently, especially by women who are told empty phrases such as “it wasn’t meant to be” or “just try again.” It’s essential that we are aware and sensitive to individuals who have suffered the loss of a baby (in utero or infancy). She will often be the woman feigning a smile.

It is important to note that partners, spouses, and significant others suffer as well. We need to include them in our awareness and provide them with necessary support.

For those who suffer from infertility or the loss of a baby (in all stages of development), my thoughts are with you. I wish you strength and courage in the face of bleakness; you will overcome, you will see the light once more.

I dedicate this poem in memory of my angel babies: December 2012 & January 2014

*October 15th is Worldwide Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (PAIL): Miscarriage, Stillbirth, SIDS

*On October 25, 1988, President Ronald Reagan designated the entire month of October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

Source: Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregnancy_and_Infant_Loss_Remembrance_Day

