A quick note, and an apology…

Literally Literary
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2 min readMay 23, 2017

Hello all of you lovely LL writers and readers. I just wanted to give you a quick update.

First, we are switching back to a Monday-Thursday publishing schedule, mostly due to our inability to keep up with the volume..!! I am grateful and enthused by all of the submissions. Please do keep it up. Switching to the twice a week schedule will allow us to schedule more of your lovely draft writing to appear further in the future, and take some of the pressure off. Heath and the lovely Hannah will be back from their world wind tour of Central and South America soon, and that will also help tremendously. We’ll let you know if we decide to go back to the three days a week schedule.

Now, I’d planned on still publishing last week on Friday and making this very announcement sometime this weekend. Unfortunately? I’ve come down with a nasty kidney infection that started on Thursday afternoon and had me in the Urgent Care Center 24 hours later with a 104.3 fever. Antibiotics are helping, and currently, the fever only spikes to about 102. Much more clarity of the mind at that lower level. Jess Kaisk had also been in the hospital on Monday, so that is the reason for publishing delays. We greatly apologize, and are happy to say that stories are scheduled to come out on Wednesday!

Thanks for your patience!

Terijo, Jessica, and Heath.

Edit: I am happy to say that Jess is out of the hospital and doing better. I am not able to report such happy news for myself, as I am still in the hospital. My kidney infection’s parent bacteria is apparently so thrilled to have a host that it went from not here one day, to full blown sepsis within thirty six hours of diagnosis. I have now gone through four different antibiotics, in less than four days.

The very, very good news is that today, the fourth day, I have been afebrile for nearly 13 hours thus far. We may have a winner in the Beat That Fucking Bug Antibiotic Contest I’ve been hosting…!! To that I say?


Keep those Good Thoughts and Prayers comin’..!! This ain’t over yet, but, it’s finally lookin’ like there IS a light at the end of that tunnel after all…

💋 Terijo



Literally Literary

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋