A generated image from the description in my dream journal that inspired this poem

Apparitions of The Anima

Neiro's Travels
Literally Literary


Her divine design dances through the chaos,
The fork in the door cannot deter her grace.
Her form, a spectral whisper in the seance,
Waking dreams that blur in her embrace.

My dreamlike love, life cannot requite,
I am more than just a fleeting guest.
You are the feelings I can’t recite,
The heart that beats outside my chest.

The Vampire of false attraction,
Bearing fangs of my feminine soul.
Bleeding me dry with inaction,
She feasts until we are whole.

I hold her in myself and show her our reflection,
As we embrace in the Shadows, in light of our connection.

Inspired by my Monday evening dream involving an unforgettable encounter with my anima in a semi-lucid dream I might never forget.

Neiro's Travels 2024



Neiro's Travels
Literally Literary

Thoughts, dreams, and ideas that endanger our complacency.