Beware the Ides of March

A Poem About The Ides of March

Matt Ray
Literally Literary


Photo Credit: Matt Ray, In the Java Sea, Indonesia, March of 2017

“Beware the Ides of March,” they say
‘Tis a dark, foreboding and perilous day
For it was on this day, many years ago
Julius Caesar was taken away

Today is a day you must settle your debts
And sacrifice sheep to the gods
Enjoy in the feast of Anna Perenna
And beat the scapegoat as he runs with your rods

A week that is holy, remembering Attis
Who was born on this day, and found in the reeds
When he died, the college of priests cut a tree down
Then hung Attis’ image and walked through the streets

Of course one week later, on the 25th of March
Mourned Attis returned from the grave
This all sounds familiar, wouldn’t you agree
A story repeated through history is saved

For we know that the Romans adopted the Christian
Religion as one of the state
And all of the world did follow it blindly
Else gnashing of teeth or death was their fate



Matt Ray
Literally Literary

Top Writer in Travel, Photography, & Poetry. Recently circum-sailed around the world. Find all my Publications, Blogs, & Socials here: