
Anitha Sankaran
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2019
Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Morning Sun awaited for the child’s birth

Rejoicing the warmth, petals

curled inside the womb of the bud.

The chirping birds murmured into

the ears of the bud, “It’s time to see the world.”

Nodding to the voice of the birds,

the petals exerted an outward force

on the sepals announcing them to dilate,

Sepals went into the labor phase.

Petals unfurled inch by inch pushing the sepals,

Sepal’s skin overwhelmed in pain and pleasure

Passing zephyr eased the pain of the sepals

Petals opened up fully, solace filled the air.

Clouds blessed the newborn

rose with the tears from its eyes.

The dew drops all over the flower seemed

to be the cry of the new-born baby.

Sun shined bright as a sign of happiness,

for bloom of the beautiful rose baby.

©Anisesh 2019



Anitha Sankaran
Literally Literary

Writer | Poet | Computer Engineer. Writing emotions beyond words.