Capsized Once Again

Dutchess Imprada
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readMay 4, 2024

Like a sunken ship, I feel forgotten.
Despite efforts to live, my compass swivels,
Unsteady in gait, a wreckage with no direction.

And there I sit for many years…
When suddenly a spark of light appears.
A flash behind the eye shapes a mirage
Sparkling almost out of sight.

Was it coal or a diamond entourage?
Thoughts of a lighthouse ne’er in mind
Algae caked so thick, a house of mirrors,
Sealed by fate, like a memory in the wind.

Now targeted ads appear in my dreams.
But I can’t subscribe the ads away.
The rubble of my existence has no e-wallet.

The tokens of the ocean, losing value,
Carry no equal purchasing power,
Rising sea levels are nature’s inflation.

Oblivious slaves to a system that divides us,
Special interests are the devil’s cornucopia.
Filled with placebos for happiness
Tokens and credits never get redeemed,
Left blinded by historical myopia.

