
A.K. Lazarus
Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2019
Credits: “It's complicated” by Mikhail Zalesky

The sun went down, disappearing into the horizon, as usual.

She extended her hand and our fingers intertwined in the space between our beds.

Her warm palm melted into my cold counterpart.

After a night filled with the moon, stars, and kisses that smelled of chocolate and cigars,

The sun rose up, orange and shy, as usual.

She tossed her hair sideways as she got up from my bed

Rumpled sheets, last night’s sweat, and a blanket full of memories were all that she left behind.


I was happy with her.

But then again, I was sad too.


There was this road I saw once that separated into two paths.

One went up. One went down.

Uphill. Downhill.

Up. Down.

Crest. Trough.

Like the dancing of tides

Like the perfect hip of a woman’s body

Uphill needed effort.

Downhill needed surrender.

I made an effort to touch her hand.

Once I did that, I kissed and surrendered.


It was hard to do as she asked.

But then again, it was easy too.


There was this road I saw once that separated into two paths.

One went down. One went up.

Downhill. Uphill.

Down. Up.

Bottom. Peak.

Like the steepness of a mountain

Like the mood swings of a woman

Downhill needed trust.

Uphill needed strength.

I trusted her and held her hand.

Once I did that, I gave her the strength to walk all the way with me.


We covered ourselves with a robe of sadness.

But then again, we peered into the sky of happiness too.


Sad. Happy.

Famine. Flood.

Down. Up.

A tiring confusion.


We were everything at once.

But then again, we were nothing too.


All. None.

Plethora. Deprivation.

Up. Down.

A contradiction.



A.K. Lazarus
Literally Literary

In his own way, he lived his life with all the intensity that he could muster.