In a better place they’ll all say

Dust To Dust~

Ashes to ashes


Photo by Yoni Kozminsi via unsplash

I woke up to the reality that one day
I'll be the one they miss
I'll be the one they all claim
to now be in a better place than this

I'll be the dust to dust, ashes to ashes
So let the ashes fall around me
Let the flames of all my dreams unfulfilled
warm the few broken hearts
if come the dawn
they'll no longer see me

Far too many years wasted
in needless worry
about the years that will be no more
Far too many lives lost
in search of that big score
And all the prayers in the many tongues
None having returned a single soul
None having found the key
where foolishly thinking
love was that gift given for free

So let the ashes fall around me
Let the flames of all my dreams unfulfilled
warm the few broken hearts
if come the dawn
they’ll no longer see me

All the fashion trends
all the garments
real and pretend
None more valued
than the sharing of your
naked skin
being the only gift we can truly offer
with honesty
The only crime we can commit
never have to defend

So let the ashes fall around me
Let the flames of all my dreams unfulfilled
warm the few broken hearts
if come the dawn
they’ll no longer see me

When finally we celebrate
in our dreams
save one final kiss for me
Save one last dance for all to see
Then you can once again be free
Just burn all our past bad memories

And let the ashes fall around me
Let the flames of all my dreams unfulfilled
warm the few broken hearts
if come the dawn
they’ll no longer see me



Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
Literally Literary

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery"