Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readDec 22, 2016



I have this dream or plan, it is a dream of mine to go to the sea, to the place where the land joins the sea and find those cliffs where everything is falling down, tumbling into the water, the rocks flaking like skin and staying there and watching the sun come down all red and raw and feeling the earth shake and another landslide finding its way to the bottom. In my head there is a woman there, an old woman, who refuses to move, despite the danger, despite the imminent end. Her house is warm and the wind coming off the sea is blocked by the walls, and she waits there until the earth cracks and it all goes down. In my dream I write about this place, about this woman, about how hungry nature is eating its way in. I have never been there, but in my dream I have been there, and I stay there with the old lady and her shivering walls.

