
Lovebirds shouldn’t peek the eyeballs out of their lifetime partner yet each time our DNA chain grows, we fail to have our equal.

Katrina Frazer
Literally Literary
2 min readJun 25, 2019


The Mannequin Katrina Frazer

Drops straight from our soul yet made to feel shame.

Our witch, our power you claim we should hide,

But the smell of 10 pennies diffuse around the room when airborne.

It wants to be smelled

Red is the fastest reflective colour,

It wants to be seen.

Been burned out of healing,

No place now for us,

We stand hunted by the moon with two naked eyes.

Solar wave pulls emotions to the forefront of our vision.

The wind, the rain, the stars are still all ours.

But we no longer understand the message.

We remember giving the earth away and receiving jezebel in return,

What was female is long forgotten.

What was strength is now idol worship.

Who said we cannot bark,

who claimed we should be humble.

Full warrior, you turned us into worriers and moaners.

Full hunting partner, you turned us into house slaves.

We screamed we were happy.

Screamed let’s run with the wolves.

But you wanted to sow the seeds of wheat that brought greed to our new doors.

Our house enclosed our beauty, these walls closed out earth’s nature.

Trees once filled our sight now handmade spilt foundation for our floorplan.

We now have time structured cities,

but the willows no longer weep as chainsaws cut their branches and Oak,

Well, Oak looks like pruned bonsai trees that frame the road from the pavement.

Thoughts back to when we all first accepted jobs,

The oak had leaves that knocked against our windows which spoiled our sleep, woke up late, got the sack and wouldn’t receive council letters felled with undertones of a lawsuit.

Can we go back to being free,

Running free with the earth beneath our feet.

No sole for trainers anymore.

My soul needs to reconnect.

Lovebirds shouldn’t peek the eyeballs out of their lifetime partner. yet each time our DNA chain grows we fail to have our equal.

Dancing poles, enemies that replaced our tree of life.

From Luna goddess to lunatics in not wanting to share,

while handed a happy pill and told to calm down.

We confirm again till the solar winds return to whisper in our ears in 28 days.

Katrina Frazer is a mother of two young adults, a freelance photographer tutor and has a passion for writing and sharing information. You can read more about Katrina Frazer Here. You can also see more of Katrina’s photography Here



Katrina Frazer
Literally Literary

Photographer, Content writer, Blogger, Photography Tutor,