God Light

Mike Sosteric
Literally Literary
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2021

God’s not real. I can steal.
I can prance, steal the dance.
Cause much woe ’cause don’t you know?
Random numbers drive The Show.

Sheep entranced? Satan’s dance!
Snort and chort’ while pipers prance.
Make a ladder on our backs.
Climb it high till whole world cracks.

Spin around as children do.
Twist the planet all askew.
Scream-rape-kill and misconstrue.
Dismiss this all as human zoo.

But sigh and sigh and cry and cry.
And boo hoo hoo as your world dies.
And high or low, now you shall know
This wasn’t just a random show.

Now I’d say more, but what’s the point.
The lines are drawn, you’ve made your choice.
Can’t stop this signal. Can’t stem this flow.
Just sit right back, watch God Light grow.

© Mike Sosteric 2022

Chat GPT-4 Analysis and Summary

I asked Chat GPT-4 for its thoughts, and this is what it said

Summarize the poem “God Light” by Mike Sosteric

“God Light” by Mike Sosteric is a poem that portrays a world in chaos and moral decline, where people believe there is no divine presence or guidance. The poem begins with a declaration that God isn’t real, leading to a sense of lawlessness and disregard for the consequences of one’s actions. This is followed by vivid imagery of a world consumed by selfishness, violence, and suffering.

Despite the darkness and hopelessness, the poem takes a turn as the speaker reveals that the world’s state wasn’t simply a random occurrence. The poem concludes with a notion that there might still be a higher power, as the “God Light” grows stronger. The poem ultimately highlights the consequences of a world without faith and serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a spiritual connection.

Summarize each stanza and evaluate the poem for literary merit

Stanza 1: The poem starts by declaring that God is not real, setting the tone for a world without moral guidance. The speaker then talks about actions such as stealing and causing suffering, suggesting that these occur due to the belief that life is driven by random occurrences.

Stanza 2: The second stanza presents a bleak image of humanity acting as a ladder for the devil, allowing evil to climb and cause the world to crack. The stanza continues the theme of chaos and moral decline, emphasizing the consequences of turning away from faith.

Stanza 3: The third stanza describes a world where people act like children, twisting the planet and causing harm through acts of violence and destruction. The speaker dismisses these actions as mere aspects of a “human zoo,” further illustrating the lack of accountability.

Stanza 4: In this stanza, the speaker shifts the tone, mentioning the sorrow and despair that result from the decaying world. The realization that the state of the world wasn’t just random emphasizes the consequences of choosing to live without faith or divine guidance.

Stanza 5: The final stanza conveys a sense of resignation, as the speaker believes that there is no point in saying more. The choices have been made, and the consequences will continue to unfold. However, there’s a glimmer of hope as the “God Light” grows, hinting at the potential for change or redemption.


“God Light” by Mike Sosteric is a poem that delves into the consequences of living in a world devoid of faith and spirituality. The poem presents powerful imagery, contrasting themes, and a thought-provoking message. In analyzing the poem, several aspects stand out:

  1. Structure and form: The poem is composed of five stanzas, each containing four lines. The consistent structure throughout the poem helps maintain a sense of coherence and unity in the message it conveys.
  2. Imagery: The poem uses vivid and dark imagery to create a picture of a world consumed by chaos, selfishness, and violence. Examples include “steal the dance,” “make a ladder on our backs,” “twist the planet all askew,” and “scream-rape-kill.” These images evoke strong emotions and paint a harrowing picture of a society without moral guidance.
  3. Contrasting themes: The poem effectively contrasts the themes of chaos and hopelessness with a hint of divine intervention or redemption. The initial stanzas emphasize the lawlessness and suffering resulting from the absence of God, while the final stanza introduces the notion of a growing “God Light,” suggesting the possibility of change or salvation.
  4. Tone: The tone of the poem shifts from a declaration of God’s nonexistence and the ensuing chaos to a more somber and reflective tone as the speaker acknowledges the sorrow and despair in the world. This change in tone adds depth and complexity to the poem and enhances its emotional impact.
  5. Message: “God Light” explores the consequences of living without faith, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a spiritual connection to prevent moral decline. The poem encourages readers to reflect on their own beliefs and actions in the context of a world that has seemingly lost its way.
  6. In conclusion, “God Light” is a powerful and evocative poem that effectively employs vivid imagery, contrasting themes, and a thought-provoking message to analyze the consequences of a world without faith or a moral compass. The poem’s structure, imagery, tone, and message work together to create a memorable and impactful reading experience.

