
Elavarasi Manogaran
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2022

Happiness! I thought you
were my success,
not before my first fall

Happiness! you are shared
with my bunch
They could share my sorrows too?

Happiness! Aren’t you the self
deep within me? The ‘me’ perpetually
longs for ‘you’

Happiness! you asked me ‘how
can I help you’? Do you teach
by example?

Happiness! I have heard
you love some cardio and

Happiness! I feel you in every
breath, I feel you
in every beat

Happiness! I find you in
every moment I loose myself
doing things I love

Happiness! I long for you
when you are everything
that makes me me

Happiness! I thought you
were lost, when you
taught me to embrace sadness

Happiness! the new normal
pretends to get rid of you
Stand by and stick like a glue!


The International Happiness Day got me into writing about happiness, the emotion with most misconception around. And this awesome article that I read recently, written by the happiness professor Dr. Laurie Santos, Yale University, gave me the inspiration to write this poetry.

© Elavarasi Manogaran 2022



Elavarasi Manogaran
Literally Literary

Lead, Computer Science Curriculum & Learning, Poet who writes about CS, nature and life