Human Mortality

Mindful Poetry

Randy Shingler
Literally Literary
Sep 10, 2021


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Contemplations on our human mortality
Brief time when we stroll upon this earth
Critical to learn and experience all we can
Should live this life with full exuberance,
What mark will be left when we are gone?

Impermanence is the only certainty
Which can be counted upon for sure,
Length of time is never really known
Dependent on fate’s timely beck and call
When it decides our end time has come.

Thinking now about memorable moments
When the sky has been painted with colors
And picturesque ocean waves roared ashore
Gazing deeply into children’s innocent eyes
Seeing naïveté and potential harbored there.

Birth to adulthood, death…mortality’s length,
Must live each moment as it presents itself
Never knowing what fate will unravel next,
Human mortality, our most precious treasure.



Randy Shingler
Literally Literary

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.