I am dangerous

a free verse

1 min readSep 29, 2016

I am dangerous —
I will overwhelm you with the space that I take up
I am too much
feeling —
wanting —
demanding —
lusting —
I can’t get close enough
I want more
I want it all —
I am the tsunami that drowns you and breaks you on the rocks
and the angel that plucks you out of the depths
and kisses your dripping soul —
I will draw dew from your lips,
dripping, sticky sweet —
I will become you,
you won’t know where I end and you begin —
if you step away from me,
you are safe —
if you step into me,
you live —
we will become everything,
together —
dive into me,
let’s burn bright —
hold on to me —
don’t let go —
don’t let go —
stay —
be brave

