i don’t believe in love anymore

Muthia Huda
Literally Literary
Published in
Aug 22, 2022
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-long-sleeve-shirt-standing-on-brown-grass-field-under-white-clouds-10679180/

Been in and out
of five-summers-old
love and lust

Hung on to
a decade-old doubt
and hope
that died in the end

Seen some decades-old
stories burned
and blazed
by the time itself

Lived for twenty years
and more
but all I’ve seen of love
is rain of pain
and storm of loss

Lived for twenty years
and more
but all I’ve seen of love
is it stinging my skin,
inflicting bruises,
scathing my soul

— and they still ask me why
I don’t believe in love

© Muthia Huda 2022



Muthia Huda
Literally Literary

a medical doctor, a poet, an Indie author of “She Was Almost Dead” (Available on Google Books)