If You Happen to See This

Manish Masih
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2020
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

If you happen to see this
You’ll know it’s for you
If you were ever curious
Yes, this is all about you
Or what used to be us
Then you boarded the 3.20 bus

If you’re reading this
I hope you’ve been well
And found some of what we lost
I hope you got happy days
In life’s funny ways

This is the letter I never posted
The draft I never sent
Is this a closure
How does this story end?
Maybe this is a pause
A wait, to find each other’s flaws

It’s been a while
But you really ought to know
I remember us like yesterday
Every touch, every journey
Every silly little memory

If you read this
And I know you will someday
Tell our story, will you?
Write of us
Even if anonymous

Maybe one day I’ll find
From a random click
Reach your side of the world

Maybe I will no longer miss
If only you happen to see this

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this, here’s another poem you might like:

© Manish Masih 2020



Manish Masih
Literally Literary

I write ads. Occasionally, I write for myself. Love malts, steaks, tech, words, sci-fi, mountains and motorcycles… not necessarily in that order.