
A Collaborative Poem by Erika Burkhalter and Anna Rozwadowska

Anna Rozwadowska
Literally Literary


Christian Schloe

Accumulation of bereavement and joy,
weathered hands long for silk,
up and down stipulated hilltops,
placing our intrepid hands on the cold texture;
opportunities to move beyond space and time.

If only we could see the universe in each other’s eyes,
rather than seeing what we choose,
in false belief that our vision is permeated,
we might be free to love, truly.

Appreciating the vast silence in the ether, in each other,
instead of what the world perceives~ diamond hearts,
it’s neither fair nor just, perplexed at every conjugation,
bring together all feeling and all isolation,
bring us together despite oceanic distance.

The vast ocean could not keep us apart
if we only learned how to melt, golden liquid,
allowing the boundary of skin
porous, liquid, more receptive to the Universal waves,
Universal ways,
of affinity, divinity, and infinity
fluidly dancing in me,



Anna Rozwadowska
Literally Literary

Owner, Editor of Storymaker, Hallow Literary, Literally Literary. Top Writer in Poetry. Writer, photographer, psychic, medium, and spiritual guide. M.A., Ph.D.