In another life

Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2019

oxygen will cease to exist
when they, at last, hearken to our shrieks,
the frenzied screeches from the disparate rooms lenify,
reconstructing to murmurs of admiration
cleaving on to a speck of emotion,
a minor would adore the world,
just like the boy she attempted to seize the regard of.

The stars, would be espied as greater than
merely a base for our poetry
and would be esteemed by even the
men who do not heed their wives.

Words would be hindered from being exploited using a weapon
and altered into something alluring, life
we would deprive loneliness from unhinging us by dashing to open arms,

instead of, to the pages that are drained from bearing the weight,
pushed upon the thin spaces,
words on the tips of our tongues shall flow out naturally
the require to exhort them diminishing.

We shall fortify each other from stumbling into the devilish concrete floor,
rather than posting up the other direction so we would not descend ourselves,
women would betake themselves to one another proffering their innocence, not the bruits of the neighbors
the trees would possess a finer excuse for rendering us oxygen,
as opposed to feeling wroth with themselves
for granting us life,

the flowers would deem themselves as blessed when gleaned,
instead of wilting,
due to their supposed ill-fate.

The sleeping pills would be proven inutile to our needs,
and rather each soul would be clasped to another to remain asleep,
per case, the entire world would come to be blind
and the beauteous ones would too be us,

for exceptional features would then yearn to serve a purpose.

I would not flinch staring them down,
unimportant how execrable the pain inflicted by them might be,
because I’ll have nil to lose,

bitterly, the world abides as it is
mayhap when the water and sky call truce,
I’ll perceive myself in heaven
that as of now is so far from becoming.

