Knock, Knock

Sunshine Zombiegirl
Literally Literary
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2022


Photo by Ayanna Johnson on Unsplash

She rolled over in her sleep, half-awake in the effort. The warm blankets dragged her deeper into that helpful abyss of REM sleep.

knock, knock.

Her eyelids fluttered open as she picked up her phone and waited for her eyes to adjust to see it. 3:00 AM, the bright green letters read. She groaned as she pulled herself upright and put the phone on the nightstand. Gravity tugged her back down toward the bed as she stood up slowly. Did she imagine the noise? She wandered into the darkness of her living room and peered out the peephole in her door.

The yard was bathed in full moonlight but appeared quiet and deserted.

She grumbled in complaint and found the bathroom before returning to her slowly cooling sheets. She took a round of slow breathing to relax as she drifted back into dreams.

Knock, knock.

“Wha…no. What?” she protested.

3:15 AM, her phone too cheerfully proclaimed. Confusion blossomed across her face as she swung out of bed. Her slightly more alert body headed to the door with purpose. She aimed one eye at the peephole.

Wind blew through the trees, and clouds dimmed the moonlight.

She shook her head in denial and padded back to her cozy comforter. She rubbed her forehead, counted to ten, let herself slowly…

