Little Mice Dancing on the Sewing Machine


Gregory D. Welch
Literally Literary


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Momma smiled as the music box sang
little mice dancing on a sewing machine
the warmth of a good day and joy
love is doing right by those you’re closest with

Little mice dancing on the sewing machine
sewing together the happy ends of a birthday celebration
love is doing right by those you hold close
and comes in many bonds and varieties

Happiness sewn together from moments and memories
looking back, happiness and joy bursts from that day
a family bond, where love is more than responsibility
it’s doing right by those who have done so much for me

Momma’s birthday is a happy memory
a warmth of joy and smiles
and doing right by she who has done so much for me
Momma smiled as the Music box sang



Gregory D. Welch
Literally Literary

When he isn't crafting fiction, Gregory turns to poetry, finding different ways to capture the strangeness and beauty of existence.