Love Angeles

Efe Nakpodia
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2017

I met an angel
we called Love,
once upon a time
at a place called


She showed everyone
a thing called love,
with a sign that she
made in the name of


Amazingly, she did
it all with love, and
it wasn’t a mistake,
for the sake of love.

Apparently, a fallen
angel she was, with
wings of a fine white
silvery dove.

Even as she fell from
the heavens above, she
felt love when she fell.

She was falling in love.



Efe Nakpodia
Literally Literary

—i am an imagist • iDream • outLOUD • my fourth book of poetry titled “iFELL in LOVE; i’m SORRY” is now available on Amazon:) xoxo