Nocturnal Dance

Arvindh Shyam
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readMay 29, 2020
Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

The owls are still screeching
And bats are hanging free
Stars are showing off their beauty
For whichever soul is awake to see
You start to move and kick around
Dancing to some nocturnal tune
I gently turn you to your side
And I pat you on your back
And you still keep on kicking away
I give up at this ungodly hour
And taking my pillow with me
I move to the foot of the bed
Just to catch a little bit of sleep
You turn around clockwise
With your eyes still closed
And look for me around you
Like a shark that smells blood
Thinking you are missing me
I hug you tight and try to snuggle
You push me away at once
And kick me hard in my shin
I give up on love and pick up my pillow
I settle down on the floor only to see
You settle down at once and
Go into the deepest of sleeps
Fully sprawled out in my king sized bed
I toss and turn on the cold hard floor
To catch up on long lost sleep
Ignoring the laughter of bats and owls…



Arvindh Shyam
Literally Literary

~ Expressing through Poetry and Stories ~ Dad & Husband ~ Poem & Short Story Writer ~ Ponderer & Dreamer