The Trilogy- An Adventure spiritual Fiction

NOIR AM~[dark morning]

Chapter 1 an Introduction


Photo shared from NOIR AM all rights reserved by author

“”[NOTE]”’ This is a long fiction. It would be presented as a series one chapter at a time]”””
Thank you

A newcomer is awoken in the valley

The morning greets the newcomer with the warmth and graciousness one would expect, having arrived by invitation, at the doorway of their best friend.

The morning dew, visible as sparkles of falling mist, is alive with the enthusiasm, similar to that of gaseous droplets escaping from a newly opened bottle of champagne.

The many floral scents on the morning’s wind, while indistinguishable to the newcomer, represent each different member of the very large family of flowers that live in the valley.

On this particular morning, as if in a market place of floral brokers, all species of flowers are fighting for the attention of your sense of smell.

If by invitation you were to arrive at the home of your best friend, finding the door left unlocked for your expected arrival but the home temporarily absent of its host, you would make yourself comfortable until they arrived.

So it is, in the Valley on this morning, with the newcomer warmly embracing the hospitality of an unseen host. To the newcomer the doors of the Valley have been left purposefully open, making easy the Valley’s captivity of the newcomer’s senses.

The only sign of the unknown host, is found within the sweet smell, carried by the winds of the early morning. The sweet scent could best be described as the combined aromas of one hundred freshly cut flowers. At your feet the ground lilies that make the Valley floor their home, send skywards their own blended vapor of a sugary peach and grape scent.

The mixture of the many floral scents of the Valley, render the newcomer helplessly intoxicated with a pleasant feeling of joy. For the returning travellers, the connoisseurs, those who have been here before, the many delicately balanced aromas intertwined within the morning’s dew are frequently interrupted by the vapors of a few harsher scents.

Most notable of these harsher scents is the softer undercurrent of pungency. This souring pungent scent is the result of the swirling blend of airborne sands, locked within the vapors of the stagnant milkweed grass streams.

The convergence of the three suns aligning themselves with the solitary Blue Moon, is a mystery yet a marvel to behold all at once. The extreme heat radiating from the ground is tempered by the coolness that hovers just above your knees, only to disappear before reaching your waistline.

The same cooling effect is again noticeable above your shoulders and like before quickly dissipates just above your eye line. The cooling above the shoulders make less obvious, the effect of the suns’ blistering rays upon your upper body. This unique weather system is the newcomer’s first introduction to one of the valley’s many secrets.

The trance-like effect of the Valley’s mysteries, holds the newcomer visually imprisoned in the moment. Captivated, like a deer frozen by the light of an oncoming train, the newcomer’s zombie like shell stands perfectly still, conscious of the unknown but unable to free itself from the mesmerizing effects of the morning’s beauty.

The hypnotic trancelike behavior of the newcomer is briefly interrupted by the very faint, harmonic sounds, coming from the distant mountainside. A thin vale of dust now having formed horizontally along the foot of the distant mountain can be seen from the valley. Behind the curtain of dust are the partially visible silhouettes of the oncoming strangers.

From the valley where you stand, surrounded by the many flowing milkweed plants, you see what could be best described as the closing of daylight. The once extremely bright morning, so bright that you dared not look directly at the skies, now suddenly begins to give the appearance of a looming storm.

The usual activities of the airborne life forms, birds — Ferns, Fillettees and Gretchens — have surrendered themselves to lodgings within land-based homes. Surprisingly those who make land their home, ground fouls — Hollocks, Mogs — along with the many varieties of wild calves, have continued with their activities, immune to the oncoming events.

All at once, as if an orchestra’s conductor had given a cue, the base of the valley floor starts a rhythmic disturbance, synchronizing itself with the sounds now approaching from the distant mountainside. The Blue Moon has completely eclipsed the three suns yet darkness serves as an inadequate description of the present state of time. Despite the total lack of sunlight, all is still, unexplainably so, very visible.

Unexplainable so, only to you, the newcomer, all others are very familiar with the Blue Moon’s ecliptic effect on the three suns. The Blue Moon’s ecliptic effect on the valley is that of a light shone through a prism. One source of light entering the prism then breaking into a thousand rays as it exits.

Similarly, as the three suns align themselves sending one ray of light into the Blue Moon, the light exits as a well choreographed light show, illuminating the entire valley. This illumination of light extends as far away as the distant mountainside. The once faint harmonic sounds from the distance have become a loud thundering noise, its rhythmic effects visibly being matched by the vibrations of the milkweed streams. The once partially visible silhouettes are now much clearer.

The look of absolute astonishment is seen on the face of the newcomer. On the face of those having been here before, a sense of homecoming, pleasure, feelings that could only be understood by long lost loved ones, returning from a journey of a thousand nights, being reuniting once again.

Words are unable to express the feelings of the joy of reunion, such are the times of

You the reader of these tales are a newcomer. You will need a Guide for this journey. I am to be your Guide. You will see and learn many new things. Some things will become clear long after your need for me as a Guide has passed. You, the newcomer, will learn about the Nation Of Descendants and more specifically, the Ynohtna tribe.

The Ynohtna is one of the four tribes that make up the Nation Of Descendants.

Although most members of the Nation Of Descendants have arrived at the last stage of their journey, the Santaglia Valley, there remains a small number of late arrivals, still on the road.

Time is measured in Quadras, Cinqplet and or cycles. A mini Quadra is the time that falls between one and two hours. A Quadra is the time that falls between twelve to twenty four hours. A Cinqplet is a period of time that is five years. A Cycle is a period of twenty-five years.

These are the tales of Noir Am.

End of Chapter 1- An Introduction

Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing) 2023


As you continue to read refer here for context and familiarization

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Huie, Anthony
NOIR AM / Anthony Huie;

Story Direction supportive
Nikki Gentles:

I. Gentles, Nikki II. Title.
Contributing editors/
Andree Plastre, Penny Ford -RuAdolfo, Sherry Furlan:

Illustrators /
Jeannette Telebar, Nicole Wolfe:

Includes index.
ISBN 0–9734137–0–0

PS8565.U526N64 2003 C813'.6 C2003–905844–1

The mystery of:

“What is it that sleeps its entire life, waking only for the purpose of dying; it eats nothing, hears nothing, sees nothing, smells nothing yet its presence says everything without having spoken a single word?”

In the beginning we were all part of one Great Spirit. Our Great Spirit lived in a place called the “Realm of Silence”. The spirit’s enormous ambition grew more and more discontented with itself. Soon the spirit began to have many internal arguments.

In time the spirit’s ability to maintain its self-discipline became weaker, causing the once mighty spirit to splinter into millions of smaller spirits. These newly formed spirits, in search of their own independence, travelled in thousands of different directions in an effort to move away from the “Realm of Silence”.

In time, that part of the original spirit that remained in the Realm of Silence grew lonely and confused. It came to the understanding of this remaining spirit that its very existence depended on the rejoining of all of its original parts.

Thus began the recalling of the millions of scattered spirits that once existed as a solitary Great Spirit. The long journey home back to the Realm of Silence of the many scattered spirits is being told in this, the story of Noir Am.

Noir Am, while capturing small sketches of the adventures of many of the spirits, will focus on the tribes of the Nation of Descendants. The Kerrisian, Ynohtna, Wet Landers and the Houndasa all on the journey to the Realm of Silence, are the four tribes that forms the Nation of Descendants.

The Family Tree

In the world known as Balrayon, they were two very large nations of people. One nation, the Founders, lived in the area of Balrayon known as the Colony. The other large nation, the Asierrahans, lived in the area of Balrayon called Asierrah.

For many years a war raged between these two nations. The war became known as, The Great War. The Asierrahans were a collection of several smaller tribes. The Dia-cy-hpti-cals were the largest and presently, the ruling tribe of the Asierrahans. A King ruled Asierrah. The King of Asierrah was a member of the Dia-cy-hpti-cals.

The other Asierrahans that we will need to know about are the tribes of the Wet Landers, the Ynohtna, the Houndasa and the Kerrisian. Except for the Kerrisian tribe, who bare some hereditary closeness to the Dia-cy-hpti-cals the other tribes are all uniquely different in their own ways.

As a nation, the Asierrahans believed that Order was the cause of all illnesses. Order, they believed, restricted all natural behavior. They believed that the natural behavior of each individual, when restricted due to Order, caused various parts of the body to malfunction, the result being illness.

Members of the Founders ruled the Colony. The alliance of the various families of Founders was known as the federation of Spirit Guides. The Founders believed that Order was the only way that all the known tribes would be able to live together peacefully. They further believed that the life force of one Spirit Guide was responsible for the orderly behavior of ten thousand other lives. The children of the Founders are known simply as the Spirit Guides.

Time in the world of Balrayon is measured in the following manner. A small Quadra is the time that falls between one and two hours. A Quadra is the time that falls between twelve and twenty four hours. A Cinqplet is equal to five years. A Cycle is equal to twenty-five years. All other references to time are an adaptation or combination of Quadras, Cinqplets and or Cycles.

The Family Tree

The Asierrahans have been taught to believe that nothing existed outside the world of Balrayon. The present leadership believed that Balrayon would be a healthier place when Asierrah controls it all. More specifically, the Dia-cy-hpti-cals of Asierrah believe they should be in control. The Great War was being won by the Asierrahans still the King was faced with an unexplained resistance to his wishes. The willpower of the nation, Order, continued to have a very strong presence. This was a clear indication that the fighters from the Colony were still alive and in larger numbers than would have been expected. But where were they? Where were they hiding? With each passing sunrise the King of the Dia-cy-hpti-cals grew angrier and more impatient with his inability to gain full control over the nation of Asierrah.

The Founders have always believed that there is a place beyond Balrayon where all people can live peacefully. The Founders know this place as Manaqueway. In the history of the tribes of Balrayon as told in this, the tales of Noir Am, we will share in the journey of four of its tribes. The Nation Of Descendants, as the four tribes will become to be known, will take us, as observers on their journey to the place called the Manaqueway. We will experience the trials and tribulations of those journeying to the Manaqueway while being silently pressured by the “Trackers of Asierrah”.

In this, the tales of Noir Am, you the reader are a newcomer. You will be given a Guide. Your guide will be the writer while you the reader; will experience the events as the newcomer. It is our hope that your willingness to embrace the unknown, will deliver to you, by way of the reading of these pages, the possibilities of your life’s cycle as never before experienced. In so doing you will make this the starting point of your personal journey to the Manaqueway. This is the first of your four-part journey. Twice more a guide will accompany you. The fourth and final part of your journey will be done alone.

The Family Tree

Photo taken from Story of NOIR AM
Photo from story of NOIR AM

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication 1

Photo taken from the story of NOIR AM
Photo taken from story of NOIR AM
Photo taken from story of NOIR AM
Photo taken from story of NOIR AM
Photo taken from story of NOIR AM



Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
Literally Literary

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery"