NOIR AM~[dark morning]

Chapter 2 Manaqueway


Photo shared from NOIR AM all rights reserved by author

The newcomer sits in absolute amazement of their surroundings. Nothing seems familiar yet nothing feels strange. The Guide begins to explain the world in which newcomers find themselves.

“Sit and relax yourself a while. Give the many things that greet your eyes for the first time an opportunity to become a part of your new knowledge.”

As the Guide prepares to give a small history lesson, the newcomer seeks a more comfortable position.

“From the day we are born...” the Guide begins to explain to the newcomer,

“…we begin the journey of knowledge.”

“I am told by my parents”,
the newcomer adds,

“that I will have to study many things about life if I am to survive well in my own later life.”

“That which has been told to you by your birth parents is indeed true.”
The Guide pauses. Looking into the eyes of the newcomer, having been assured that understanding is reflected in them, the Guide continues.

“However the things your birth parents have spoken of will only serve to help you in that life.”

“In that life?” the newcomer asked with a perplexed facial expression.

“Which life am I living now?”

“You have only one life” responds the Guide. “Just like the sun will rise in your waking hours so will you awake to a new stage of your life at the doorway of each new journey.”

“At the beginning of each new journey?” the newcomer asks.
“ Will I have new parents when I begin this new journey?”

“Every time you close your eyes for the purpose of what you understand to be sleep, so will you awake to the start of a new journey” replied the Guide.
“Your parents have nothing to do with your journey. One of your parents may have even been a guide to you in your earlier life.”

“But I thought you were my guide?”

“I am at this time! I have only now been assigned the duties of being your Guide for the next phase of your journey.”

“If as you say, I am on a new journey every time I awake, that would equal a lot of journeys in one life time!”

“You have been on one continuous journey from the day you were born. Your understanding of life is limited. That is why I have been sent to guide you.”

“And I am anxious to learn everything you have to teach me,” says the newcomer. “So! Which part of my journey am I on at this time?”

“You are on the journey that will take you in search of a better understanding of the Soul Of All Things.”

“Am I awake or I am dreaming?” asks the newcomer.

“Neither! Your understanding of dreaming is not what you may have believed it to be. The time you have always called dreaming is the time you are travelling from one doorway into the entrance of another.”

“Have all my dreams been untrue?”

“No!” said the Guide. “Your interpretations have been without the knowledge of the seasoned traveler.”

“Am I awake now?” inquired the newcomer.

“You have been awake from your first day of life. While it is true that your body is in need of regular rest your spirit never has to sleep.”

“I have been awake from the time I was born?”


Leaning forward with a sense of excited impatience, the newcomer asks, “When will I get to there and where is it?”

“When is not important. The journey itself is more important. You will not get there before you have travelled the required journey. The location of The Soul Of All Things is found in the land known as the Manaqueway.

The Manaqueway is the name of the world located in that place that lies beyond our closed eyes. Each time you close your eyes, the world you see emerging from the light beyond the darkness is the world of the Manaqueway.”

“Do I only travel when I sleep?” the newcomer inquired.

“To you”, answered the Guide, “understanding the way in which we travel will come slowly. When our eyes are open we exist in a world known as Our Time. In our waking hours, we are still on the journey to the Manaqueway. Being awake is like daytime in the world of the Manaqueway.”

“What is The Soul Of All Things like?”

The Soul Of All Things is the collection of all knowledge of those who have travelled there before. For new arrivals to this place, the knowledge of all those having arrived before them will be shared with all. The Soul Of All Things continuously seeks knowledge. In return it shares its knowledge with all those who arrive. It is protected by the strength of it’s accumulated knowledge.”

Suddenly the newcomer exclaimed! “Where is my body?”

“Your body!” the Guide retorts with a smile. “You have dispensed of your physical body. It served you as a vehicle, getting you to this place but it was not who you are.” explained the Guide.

“So who am I now?”

“The Spirit of each of us is what we are. The physical body is the transportation that takes us from one place to another. However at this point in your journey, you are now in a place that will no longer require the need of the physical body you once occupied.”


“The Spirit of each of us will travel many Cycles of time before we get to the Manaqueway. A Cycle of time to you, the newcomer, is twenty-five years. The Spirit will go through many Transformations, also known to you as death. Those who have travelled any distance will tell you that death is just another way of explaining the need to change from one form of transportation to another more appropriate form for the journey ahead. The place where you will find The Soul Of All Things, the Manaqueway, is also known as the home of the Founders.”

“Do the Founders look like us?”

“Yes! Having arrived in the Manaqueway, all look the same,” answered the Guide.

“Who are the Founders?”

“The Founders were the first ones to discover the Manaqueway. They then built their home in that place.”

Stopping to observe the newcomer, the guide paused, allowing this new knowledge to be absorbed. The intense concentration on the face of the newcomer signaled the Guide to continue with the lesson.

“The Spirit can journey from its place of birth to a place, a distance of one full Cycle away, never having missed a day’s experience, within less than a night’s sleep. Understanding travel beyond the place we call Our Time will take most of us well beyond our known physical lifetime. There are many roads that lead to the home of the Founders. Each doorway we encounter in our travels will reveal new knowledge. Each bit of new knowledge becomes the key to unlocking the next doorway. Only by the acquired knowledge we gain along the way, will we be able to make it through the doorway of the Manaqueway.”

“How long does it take to pass beyond each doorway?”

“Some doorways are no more than mere passages to the next doorway taking no more than a day in the life of our experiences to pass through. Some doorways are big enough to contain a nation or even nations within a world of their own and could take us one or more physical lifetimes to pass through.”

“Why is it I do not know all these things if, as you say, I have already experienced much of that which you are now explaining?”

“Knowledge is like reading a book. You will see the information as written on the pages yet without the writer’s interpretation you would remain lost. I will interpret that which you have read. Soon your knowledge will be accompanied by understanding. Wisdom will be yours upon the completion of the required travels.”

“What time is it now?”

“Time is measured in Quadras, not minutes nor hours as you knew it to be. Quadras become Cinqplet, followed by Cycles or to you, days, five years which is followed by twenty five years.”

“What about weeks and months?”

“They are not recognized as a measurement of time in this part of your journey.”

“Where are the other travelers that you have spoken of?”

“Along the roadway that leads to the Manaqueway you will find many different travelers. At each and every new doorway, you are again a newcomer. Always you are a newcomer in search of knowledge. Each bit of knowledge will help to shorten your journey by unlocking the many doors you will find along your journey. Along the way, you will find the connoisseurs, those that have been travelling longer than you. Though you may be on the same path as many others, your limited travel experiences reveal you, as just a baby in the eyes of those well travelled. Such is the uniqueness of travel. You could also discover, while on your journey to the Manaqueway, members of the eternally lost ones. They become eternally lost because they are travelling without the help of a guide.”

“Did I have a guide in my earlier travels?”

“Not at first. However, what matters most is knowing that you are now under the tutelage of a guide.”

“I do not understand why so many things are unfamiliar to me yet strangely familiar.”

“That is because only the experiences learned as a result of your journey will be retained, not the journey itself.”

The newcomer smiled as if to say thank you, then returned to the position that indicated they were ready to hear more.

“Your hope is to find an Egorian.

More accurately, it is to hope that an Egorian finds you. An Egorian is a guide, having already found The Soul Of All Things and having chosen to return in order to guide those still in search of it. The Egorian’s presence is only detectable by another such Egorian, if and when they choose to disclose themselves. Only one Egorian will guide you at any given time. All travellers sooner or later will eventually find themselves under the guidance of an Egorian. More importantly, is to know that while you can find your way to the Manaqueway without the help of an Egorian, however, it will take a much longer time to do so.”

“Will you stay with me for the rest of my journey” inquired the newcomer.

“I will be with you for a long time to come. You have much to learn and I to teach” said the Guide, smiling with the newcomer, awaiting their reaction.

“I am glad that you will be with me. It will be nice to have your company,” said the newcomer. “When do I change from the form I am in to a form that is like yours?”

“All in time.” was the reply. “Once settled in the Manaqueway”, the Guide continued, “the newcomer finds themselves firmly in the clasped hands of The Soul Of All Things. Your transformation from the physical to the Egorian is completed here. You, like so many before you, would have now been firmly imbedded in The Soul Of All Things. You would no longer be a traveller. You would have attained the state of an Egorian, the first step in finding the Realm Of Silence. You, having achieved the state of an Egorian would have now become a soul within the fraternity of the Manaqueway.”

“Where will I be living when I am an Egorian?”

“When you become an Egorian, you will reside in the Manaqueway. Your learning would now begin. All your journeys have been for one purpose. The many Cycles of travelling would now better prepare you for the teachings of the Founders.

“So all the things that I have learned will help me to really start learning?”

“Yes! You will now be given an opportunity to find your true spirit. In so doing you will be ready for the journey that will see the joining of all known spirits in the Realm Of Silence.”

“There is still another place!,” the newcomer, surprised by this latest information inquired further. “Where is it I have to go?”

“Do not think of it as another place you have to go. Think of it as being given new glasses which, when worn, will enable you to see that which has been in front of your eyes all along.”

“So if it is in front of me now, why do I need to travel all that distance in order to see it?”

“You should not think of travelling as having going anywhere. Again think of travelling as the knowledge that will unlock the box that enables you to get the glasses that allow you to see that which as been in front of you all along.”

“I am afraid to ask you another question. I think you would give me the same answer, making your explanation even more complicated than your previous ones.”

The Guide, not distracted by the comment, acknowledged it with a smile, then continued.

“Upon attaining the state of an Egorian you will make one of two decisions. Your first decision will be the choice of determination; the other will be that of destination. Determination will answer the question of how will you acquire the knowledge needed for your next stage of travel. Secondly, Destination will answer the question of where will you acquire the knowledge needed.”

“And where is this required knowledge located?”

Without answering the question, the Guide, again continued.

“You could become a guide for one of the many nations on the path behind you. You could become a teacher by first learning from those ahead of you, then relieving your teachers so that they may continue on their journey to the Realm Of Silence. Or you could choose to stay and be a home guardian of the Manaqueway, helping the newcomers to adjust to their new state of existence.”

“I want to choose the one thing that will get me there the fastest.”

“Whatever you choose, it will serve to help you in your search for the Realm of Silence. There are no wrong choices to be made. Your choices will only determine the order in which things will be done on your journey.”

“It could take me forever to complete my journey. How many guides will I need?”

“I do not know such things. It is important to note that an Egorian, while acting as a guide will always remember that they are a member soul within the fraternity of the Manaqueway. However upon returning to the fraternity of the Manaqueway, either upon completion of duty or having being recalled by the fraternity of The Soul Of All Things, no memory is retained. The Egorian never remembers any of their tasks while helping as a guide. No memory is ever retained of having travelled. The experiences learned are all that is retained by the Egorian. This allows the Egorian to always learn from their present experiences without the prejudices of the past ones.”

“Travelling is in no way to be mistaken for the loosely used term of reincarnation. Those who would rather leave the journey of knowledge for another lifetime often used the term reincarnation. The belief in reincarnation is founded in those who also believe that all new knowledge will be assimilated into our mental and physical body simply by the act of dying. Our religious experiences are another passageway on the road to the Manaqueway. It matters not what your faith or religious experiences have been. While those experiences will not of themselves lead you to the walkway of The Soul Of All Things, they will certainly add to your knowledge, in turn shortening your journey.”

“What you are about to experience is the difference between your understandings of knowledge versus the experience of travel measured only by the knowledge of you having arrived. This is not a child’s story. These, the tales of Noir Am, will help to shorten your journey.”

“It is clear to me now that I have a lot to learn” said the newcomer.

“We will start your lessons with the story of one nation’s journey to the Manaqueway.

This nation consists of four main tribes. The Nation Of Descendants, as they are called, had arrived at the place in which they hoped to find the last doorway separating them from their final journey into the Manaqueway. The area of this doorway is in a most beautiful place known as the Santaglia Valley. They have been here for a very long time. Their leader, Mahrakhiel had been searching for the doorway to the Manaqueway for Cycles but to date has been unsuccessful. Before I continue with this lesson, you must first understand the tribes of the Nation Of Descendants.”

~To be continued with Chapter 3



Anthony Cloe Huie (Choose Living Over Existing)
Literally Literary

Choose Living Over Existing(CLOE)Gender Free Writer(GFW), MartialArts-Auth"The Spirit That Guides Us" "Noir AM""The Lottery"