Parting Poem

Kritika Jalan
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2017

By a hurt friend

I know it will hurt;
But know it well, I’ll be just

I can’t lie to myself no more;
But know it well, it’s you I still adore

I just wish it were back the old way;
But know it well, I’m still very gay !

Time to walk away — Kritika Jalan

I have lost the ‘WE’ I dint wanna lose;
But know it well, across the globe, its still you I’ll choose

Oh friend!! Please (Forgive me), let us part;
But know it well, our memories together won’t ever depart

How badly I wish, you could think something above self;
But know it well, you can always turn up to me for help

We would be the same old buddy always;
But just, not the old ways

Though I wrote this for you burning midnight oils miss,
Know it well, you did nothing to deserve this

Originally published at on October 25, 2012. Don’t forget to click the little heart at the bottom if you liked this :)

