Realm of Nobodies


Salitha Nirmana Meththasinghe
Literally Literary
1 min readApr 13, 2020


Where sun sets in the west and moon rises in the east
yet regardless of the entity
the light of spirituality illuminates every speck that deserves contentment….

Where friendship and compassion are spontaneous and self-evident
while nobody is yearning for them
but those virtues are overflowing drowning no one in the current…..

Where enlightenment is a given and knowledge is surpassed
when ego is banned and replaced with understanding
while humility is consciously crowned and throned…..

Where beings are always above and beyond the concept called moral
dwelling often in emptiness which is the source of harmony
while power they’ve obtained make them the most intact…..

Where labels have no place and disappear to nowhere
yet norms are safe and followed more than anywhere…..

In other words,

where efforts can’t be seen but the results are definite
just like with no significant influence
grass grows
flowers bloom
letting spring embrace the world by itself

