Remaking Holy City

Abby Jewett
Literally Literary
1 min readSep 15, 2019


for Carol


that year you told me lungs
& in wilting heat I offered mine.
I made witness to the temple of your body
threshed on Missouri fields, where remains
of butterweed coiled from sundered wheat,
drenched in soil, scattered grain.


the frost drowned farms early,
liquid toxin dried your veins,
vestiges of dammed creeks
deprived beneath sunlight.


on winter afternoons we
pilfered wooden barn beams
from flooded field & purged
the relic scaffold —
we built pillars
for our hickory city,
made sacred by repair.

© Abby Jewett 2019



Abby Jewett
Literally Literary

Aspiring YA author, lover of life and people, striving to do good every day. Visit me at