rest in peace, northern star

Jean N
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readOct 25, 2019

Why is it always the angels that leave us first,
that rise up to the gates of the unknown
and gracefully face our greatest fears,
with unflinching acceptance?
Why is it that the purest soles are always
the first to be punished by nature’s coin toss,
the luck of the draw,
the unlucky ones?

Why shouldn’t they be exempt from the regular hardships
that we lesser humans have to face?

After all, it’s us who complain and
it seems almost laughable,
they should perish
in less noble ways.

They leave us with this cavernous, depth less craters
plagued by their sagacious youth.

They leave us screaming with injustice of
it should have been us.

They leave us crumbling as the
fragile shards of our existence shatter
with their memories,
cast into oblivion — what was the point
of all that good,
if they suffered the worst Fate in the end?

@Jean N 2019

