
Shambhala Warriors

Mike Sosteric
Literally Literary
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2021


Long ago and far away,
A prophesy told of a day
When no more death on Earth we’d see
And balanced true to nature be.

And children laugh and dance and swing,
And joyous would all people sing,
A new day dawn, a glorious spring,
And no more pain and love would sing.

But as the Earth begins her birth,
And joyously we span her girth,
They spurn to see, and scorn with glee,
The painful lot in people be.

And though we hope that peace might stay,
Their hand from spreading death this day
They beat their drums to tone of war,
And conduct their deadly music score.

And so we send the prophets hand
To spread the truth e’er out the land
But long ago it was foretold,
That even this their hands not hold,

And when they’d realize time and day,
Then they would send rank death our way,
With famine, plagues and war to stay,
In hopes they’d face not judgment day.

And so we turn our eyes this day,
And call the warriors out to play.
For they were sent long time ago,
To prepare for this their final show.

And sleep and wait and bide their time,
And work their way inside the line.
And hidden keep their spark un-shined,
Till we would call them with our mind.

And so the warriors now we see,
Rise slowly, they had sleeping be.
And as the children round them scream,
And poverty spreads so obscene.

And rulers through the lands they rage,
And laugh obscene, at people caged,
A fire burns their eyes today,
For this time they will not be swayed.

And as they stretch their hands abreast,
Full power claim them, now’s their test.
As final warnings fail, they see,
The end times fast approaching be.

And as the warriors spread their wings,
Protection to God’s children bring.
And weak and old out from the cold.
And men and women into the fold.

And now as warriors do take flight,
A battle glorious they do fight.
With shining sword they quickly free.
The mind’s of all so truth they’ll see.

And as the sword comes crashing down,
The leader’s faces turn to frown.
For mobs of people dance and sing,
“We see now all the truth you bring.”

“And no longer will we play your tune”
And dance ‘neath your ungodly moon.”
“For we have seen the truth this day,
And no more will the piper pay.”

And as the warriors turn to face,
The rulers who now stand disgraced.
One final warning they provide,
To stop the madness, stand aside.

And still the kings heed not the call,
Still they stand and tempt the fall.
But long ago, it was told,
When warriors come, the darkness fold.

See, long ago and far away,
A prophesy told of this day.
When no more death on Earth there’d be
And balanced true to nature be.

See children laugh and dance and sing,
As joyful new society brings,
A new day’s dawn for us to ring,
A warrior’s song for all to sing.

