That Blind Spider On The Wall

Are you alone?

Somsubhra Banerjee
Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2020


Photo by Lubo Minar on Unsplash

There was this tiny spider,
sitting amongst the web it created,
in the corner of my room,
I looked at it, sometimes, throughout the day,
waiting for it to probably move, and walk off,
to a different place, for food, for simply a stroll, maybe?
but no, it stood there, rock-solid, seemingly sleeping
throughout the day, who knows, hibernation, eh?

The curiosity inside me made me climb on a chair and go near it,
clapping my hands, waiting for it to move,
waving my palms furiously, waiting for it to move now?
but no, it didn’t even bat an eyelid,
which made me think, as I removed my stool,
is it perhaps, deaf and blind?
cause normally, the spiders I encountered earlier did make a motion,
when I went near it, but this, this was a different reaction,
an unexpected one.

I wondered if it had someone who looked after him or her,
who would bring some food, or at least be there to guide it through,
all the…



Somsubhra Banerjee
Literally Literary

Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!:)