The Ellipse (…) (more on the ellipse)

Yellow Brick Road
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2018
Image Source: Flickr

Ellipse: “the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues” indicated by “…”

Hmm. Ellipse, the least transparent of all communications, questioning silences, trailing of conversations, omissions of what’s not permitted, permissions of omissions… un-omitted omissions?

Omit: “leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully”

to (make an) ellipse (…), an un-omited ommision, an ommision un-omited by its evidence … (<…) (bidirectional?)

<not bidirectional, or unidirectional, or multidirection…>
Ellipses — not directional?

Directional: “relating to or indicating the direction in which someone or something is situated or moving.”
Ellipse… Un-situated, no well situated! Directional? No. Directive… Situated to be moved towards
Mobilising ellipses, (where mobilising = an adjective)

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Signing Off,



Yellow Brick Road
Literally Literary

Personal writings on gender and mental health. Life is a dinner table conversation and I’m noting down whatever I can on disposable napkins.