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The Lessons of Darkness

John Gillen
Literally Literary
Published in
Jun 13, 2021


These be the lessons of Darkness
Taught to you by the truth
Where the winds and rains
And the endless pains
Instruct you nail and tooth

Let these be the lessons of Darkness
First that there is no light
Love is a myth
And the reaper’s scythe
Swings when the noose pulls tight

And these be the lessons of Darkness
Known too well by the dead
Though pleasure delight
And nations feign might
Non-existence is better instead

Still these be the lessons of darkness
That hope is the greatest of curse
It dreams and it wishes
And then once it misses
In life there can be nothing worse

Then these be the lessons of Darkness
Suicide is your wife
Resist all you will
But yourself you must kill
There is no other freedom in life

© John Gillen 2021

