The Oval Silhouette

Giacomena Cohen
Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2017
Photo credit: Pixabay

Oval silhouette
poured over the hot cement
little with a hue of blue
cracked right through
Yolk’s run dry
from its smashed insides

Mama’s looking for you
around the tree she flies
chirping in distress —
there’s an empty nest

One swift breeze
shook the branches easily
No wings to latch
or safety net to catch
from the heights of the oak
which you dispatched
upon the sidewalk
in a crash

Mama’s spotted you
beneath the tree
knowing you’re no longer
meant to be
Her red breast beating strong
she sings a song
of her little one laid to rest

It was the best
she could do
to leave the branch
of the lonesome twigs
she gathered faithfully
one by one
and lift her wings
into the midday light

*October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Grief is often worn silently, especially by women who are told empty phrases such as “it wasn’t meant to be” or “just try again.” It’s essential that we are aware and sensitive to individuals who have suffered the loss of a baby (in utero or infancy). She will often be the woman feigning a smile.

It is important to note that partners, spouses, and significant others suffer as well. We need to include them in our awareness and provide them with necessary support.

For those who suffer from infertility or the loss of a baby (in all stages of development), my thoughts are with you. I wish you strength and courage in the face of bleakness; you will overcome, you will see the light once more.

I dedicate this poem in memory of my angel babies: December 2012 & January 2014

*October 15th is Worldwide Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (PAIL): Miscarriage, Stillbirth, SIDS

*On October 25, 1988, President Ronald Reagan designated the entire month of October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

Source: Wikipedia

