Fire [Public Domain Pictures]

The Room

Srishti Hegde
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2017


I don’t remember where exactly it begins,
Nor do I remember where it ends,
All I remember, is very faint,
Scars, and someone screaming.

There was thick smoke,
Black, and dense.
The lung rotting odor of combustion,
Settled near the floor.

I lay lifeless.
The floor, hot against my skin.
Under those closing eyes,
Still awake.

I saw flames, yellow and bright.
Devouring every piece of the room.
Bringing down carved pillars,
Curling the carpets, slowly.
Paintings melted,
And dripped off the walls.
The wallpaper charred,
ashes fell like snow on my face.

The last I remember,
Is a black papery piece of ash,
Floating in the air like a feather,
I moved my finger to touch it.
Upon my finger,
It simply powdered,
Like the world around me had
Minutes ago.



Srishti Hegde
Literally Literary

Studying to become an Occupational Therapist. Like to Read , Try to Write :)