The Second Coming Of Calm

John Horan
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readJun 8, 2021


License: CC0 1.0 Universal — Public Domain Dedication.

I am waiting for the rebirth of calm
To spread across the sky
Like the sigh after an orgasm
The world will chill
Or maybe it could
Just be in my mind?
Me first, God, I’ll be Your guinea pig
If you want one
I’ve been doing my breaths
Doing my breathing
I’ve been practicing
I’m ready.
The whole world’s needs to chill the fuck out
Sorry, that was a bit angry
I’ll keep practicing…

Toxic is a word we should
Scrub from the dictionary
For a few years
But seeing as we haven’t I’ll use it
It’s just so damn useful these days
It’s about to become a cliche
We’re all toxic these days
It’s all toxic these days
I am waiting for the rebirth of calm
To spread across the sky
Like the sigh after an orgasm
To wash it all away.

Like my poems? Check out my novella A Vagrant At The House Of Love.

Or my podcast Subberculture

© John Horan 2021



John Horan
Literally Literary

Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much.